


The positioning of the radar or of the antennas requires that the transducer is capable of operating in a continuous manner. The position information of the encoder is used to define and control at any instant the positioning of the antenna or aiming system to which the encoder is connected. From that we understand the importance of the accuracy and repeatability that transducer must have. ITALSENSOR incremental and programmable absolute encoders are normally used on position control systems of the radar mounted on boats using materials and specific solutions for particularly aggressive environments such as saline environment.


The vision systems based on image recognition and control systems and video surveillance systems require that any video cameras or cameras can be accurately positioned in order to correctly identify the target and provide information on their position in the surrounding space. Also the environmental monitoring through distance measurement systems requires that the position of the measuring instrument must be as much accurate and repeatable as possible in order to be able to trace with any safety eventual displacements of objects (reflection measurement systems) or for topographic survey plane (mapping areas) or for the control of the workpieces within automatic lines. For all these needs ITALSENSOR has developed and customized various product lines by providing high-resolution models in reduced mechanical dimensions.